| 1. | We want the doha development agenda to live up to its name 我们希望多哈发展议程能够如期实施。 |
| 2. | The risk of the doha development agenda being put off indefinitely looms larger with each month of inaction 由于它们数月来始终无所作为,多哈发展议程被无限期推迟的可能性很大。 |
| 3. | The panel discussed the latest development of the multilateral trade negotiations under the doha development agenda of wto 事务委员会讨论世贸组织多哈发展议程下多边贸易谈判的最新发展。 |
| 4. | The uk government remains fully committed to make the most of the doha development agenda to improve developing countries trade opportunities 英国政府将一如既往地坚持“多哈发展议程”的承诺,以增加发展中国家的贸易机会。 |
| 5. | The u . s . does not want 2004 to be a lost year for the doha development agenda of world trade organization ( wto ) negotiations 成员重新为wto贸易谈判注入活力。 wto贸易谈判去年9月在墨西哥坎昆举行的部长级会议上以失败告终。 |
| 6. | Approximately 30 trade ministers representing wto members will come together to advance negotiations in the doha development agenda . portman will be joined by secretary of agriculture johanns 代表wto成员国的大约30名贸易部长将出席这次会议,推动多哈发展议程( dohadevelopmentagenda )的谈判。 |
| 7. | After intense diplomacy at meetings in geneva in july of last year , the united states achieved international agreement on a framework for moving forward on the doha development agenda of wto trade negotiations 正在进行的全球谈判。有关的谈判多年来停滞不前,直到2004年7月美国提出外交倡议才突破了僵局,就恢复谈判达成框架协议。 |
| 8. | And we are committed to an outcome that - in keeping with the round s middle name ( the doha development agenda ) - contributes to the advancement of developing countries and their full integration into the global economy 该议程要求在一系列领域展开谈判,包括农业及服务业贸易,与贸易有关的知识产权问题,以及与贸易有关的投资措施。 |
| 9. | Alongside the follow up to the world summit on sustainable development and the millennium development goals , we must maintain momentum in the world trade organisation to ensure that the doha development agenda brings real benefits to the world s poorest . 33 在实施世界可持续发展首脑会议决议和千年发展目标的同时,我们必须保持世贸组织的动力,以保证多哈发展议程为世界上最贫困的人口带来真正的好处。 |